Wednesday, January 24, 2007

P-Doggy Who? Doggy What? Doggy Dawg.

OK so I think I can almost see what he's talking about. Yes, you are a product of your environment growing up and some parts of your "identity" can not be changed, and yes, people adopt "personas" such as the middle-aged corporate CEO driving a Harley and wearing a do-rag. However, how seriously can I be taking his arguments when he flat out says that he has one-sided arguments with his dog. Its a freakin dog! A dog named Penny that he refers to as P-dog and bases an entire section of a chapter to in trying to compare human "behavior" to a dogs in-bred activities. Um last time I checked humans don't go around sniffing eachother's butts, and it's not because it is considered bad behavior, its because we just don't freakin do it! Humans own dogs, dogs do not own humans, and the most conversation I have ever had with my pup, Capitan Mocha Snowshoes, is "Oh how I wuvy wuvy wuv you, my little Mocha Baby!" I never asked her the meaning of life, and you know why? Its simple really, because she is a freaking dog! I totally followed him through that entire chapter until he lost my respect at P-dog, and really Nate, I agree, I hope P-dog does take a piss on him.
As for Chapter 3, I'll direct you to the comment by Pooh-Will, that it took them 2 1/2 hours to read 31 pages, um yeah, took me 2 to get through 30, the 31'st probably would have taken that extra half an hour. I am totally lost, like it's not even funny, I think this guy just likes to hear his own voice. I even have a voice for him in my head, like that "I am arogant, ho ho ho..." type of voice, its hard to even take this seriously. Does any one take it seriously? Save us Obi-won-Mahoney, you're our only hope!

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