Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Introducing a very tired Perry Piekarski.

Well, due to very unfortunate circumstances (and by circumstances, I mean and UPS being slllooooooowwww with delivering EVERYTHING), my Ramage Rhetoric book has not arrived yet, despite its being shipped last week. Sigh... what a way to kick off the new semester, missing the first class for starters, and now not having the text essential to the course.

I probably shouldn't be a writing major, but there aren't many other options here at Kutztown that interest me. I do love to write, however, so it's not a lost cause. I also enjoy music and play guitar, but I couldn't read a measure of sheet music if my life depended on it. I'd delight in (that's a Microsoft Word thesaurus reference right there) learning other instruments, but music is an expensive hobby. I also love the arts, video games, collecting animals (I have more pets than I need), raving and ranting, being an arrogant wisenheimer (heh... wisenheimer), being irresponsible with my finances, replacing commas with ellipses, time travel, cartoons, and many other things that I could bore you by listing.

I'm tired... hence the dull tone of voice in which I am writing this, or at least the tone in which I intend upon this being read. As soon as I get the text, I'll be reading that and leaving my comments. Expect that in the very soon to not so far from now.

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