Tuesday, April 04, 2006

a week behind

on pg 61 Rutherford states: “Early in 2002 rumors hit the press that the Pentagon was playing with the notion of 'black propaganda,' the planting of false stories in the press, not in the United States but elsewhere in the world”

they did.

An organization called the Lincoln Group was independently contracted by the government for $5 million to “help inform Iraqis about the American-led effort to defeat insurgency and form a new government. One contract requirement was to get Iraqi publications to run articles written by the military”

“Early last summer, military commanders made Lincoln Group the main civilian contractor for carrying out an aggressive propaganda campaign in Anbar Province, known as the Western Mission project. Over the next several months, the military transferred tens of millions of dollars to Lincoln for the project, records show.”

(From NY TIMES: Quick Rise for Purveyors of Propaganda in Iraq 15 February 2006)

the interesting thing about the story is that the fellows running the company really knew nothing about what they were doing & actually profiteered greatly from the multi-million dollar contracts that they were getting.

A whole other wonderful side to managing the war.

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