Thursday, February 09, 2006

The Persuaders

I will only comment on the first part of the movie I saw (I had a touch of Food poisoning from or lovely food company).

Personally I understand what the people in the movie were talking about. Now just because I understand what they're saying, doesn't mean I agree or think that they are correct. The guy who was asking silly questions like "Do you feel lonely when you eat white bread", who just full of BULL**** in my opinion. The way he degrades humans to reptiles and his beliefs are just bogus. As he talks about tricking people into feeling certain ways about certain products, I looked around his home and saw how "luxurious" it was. Filled with things that made up his image or at least suited his image. I believe that advertising is a great thing, but I don't believe in selling people things based on primal emotions. I believe in ethics.... I’m sorry I guess I'll never own a château filled with things I can't pronounce and charge companies THOUSANDS to ask if you feel lonely when you eat white bread.

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