Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Watching the persuaders in class led me to alot of mixed emotions. I feel like I always kind of knew that what I was buying, or what I was reading was being considered by companies to sell me more of the same. And when you think about it, your friends know what kind of music you listen to, and you consider their advice when they tell you about a new cd or if a band you like is touring around your area, and you appreciate it. I personally dont know how, but I got an email last month telling me that chemlab was touring in phili and that they had a new cd out, but im sure as shit glad they did, because the show was awesome and the cd kicks ass. Just like everyone else, sure im scared of the privacy issues that arise, but by my current standing, if someone out there wants to know that i have $2.87 in my checking account, I really don't care. As long as they keep telling me about cool shit like chemlab, i can tolerate it for now.
Also, even though i had my suspicions before, having them confirmed felt a little wierd, like it was always something i wanted to be wrong about. With all the crap like this going on in the world, as soon as i see mechanical dogs chasing some guy down the street on tv (farenhieght 451 anyone? sccrew you i liked that book!) then I'll wait before i start sleeping with a shotgun next to my bed while my maddening insane paranoia sets in. On the other hand I will be waiting, i know this is going to backfire hard in a few years, so live it up.

1 comment:

silverline said...

Whatch out for the HOUND!