Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The Persuaders

I think the most important point made in the video is that people can build up a resistance to advertising. The advertisers have to try harder and harder to get people's attention that it becomes so integrated into everyday life that people start to ignore the advertisements. However, like crack, if the companies pull out altogether they will suffer from withdraw symptoms. Side effects may include low profits, lack of consumer confidence, and in some severe cases, going bankrupt. Companies should not advertise if they are pregnant or nursing...

Also, I can't post without mentioning the white bread thing. This also ties in with Song and the super secret matrix code to selling products. I think advertisers are getting away from analyzing product trends, unemployment rates, legislation on trade and wages, or anything else that actually determines why people buy a product. Advertising is not an abstract art form. I don't even know what some of the commercials are advertising anymore because they are so abstract. I can't wait to see the second half of this video. It's so Song!

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