Thursday, January 24, 2008

What I think about Ramage

In the beginning, I didn't mind Ramage. I actually liked the book and the way he confused me and made me re-read sections to make me understand what he was talking about. The second chapter, I could relate more with because I felt as though he was talking to me directly and not like a normal textbook would. But, now after reading the 3rd chapter, I'm really starting to dislike Ramage. It seems to me that he could have written this chapter with a lot less rambling. He tends to get on a subject and then just ramble on for like 3 pages about nothing. But I do have to say that I like the way that he writes. I feel that it is more conversational than any other text book that I have read. So, it makes it easier to read. And, if it wasn't in that format, I would have a really hard time reading this book.

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