Thursday, January 31, 2008

Ramage Paper

Hey y'all. sorry I wasn't in class this morning. I was really sick from the chinese food I ate last night. haha. o well, onto my paper.

As of right now, my paper starts out with me driving to the mall. On the way to the mall, I get a flat tire. The only person that stops to help me is John Ramage. And, as soon as he gets out of the car, I begin to thank him. He just starts babbling on and on about the difference between Serious and Rhetorical People. And I look at him, like what the hell are you talking about. And, he tries to explain.

I then invite him to tag along with me to the mall because I think that all this talk is kind of interesting and I really want to know more about what he is talking about. We drive for about 10 minutes when he tells me that we have to stop somewhere because he NEEDS to go. So, I pull over in this taco bell parking lot and we get out and go inside. When we come out we run into a group of bikers. And, then we get into this massive conversation with them and spend more time talking to the bikers then we do in the mall (which is very unusual for me.. I spend as much time as possible shopping.)

When I finally convince John that is time to head to the mall, he says okay as long as we stop at the pet store first. We get to the mall and go to the store and then of course he starts babbling on again, but this time it's about his little "ganster" dog.

Well, that's all I have right now.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

can you imagine if you actually did break down and ramage was the only person to help you? I think i'd drive my car off a cliff.

i like your idea!