Saturday, January 26, 2008

Rambling Ramage

Hi everyone!

Now that I finally got on (stupid technology), I am not sure where I want to go from here. Starting this class, I had only heard rhetoric a couple times, but now that I am in the class, I have been hearing it everywhere. It seems to be taking over my life, whether I want it to or not. I guess books will do that sometimes.

Reading Ramage’s book on rhetoric has been more of a struggle then I have had with a book in a long time. Trying to understand his meaning and examples have given me a headache on more than one occasion. I wish it would go away (the book and the headache).

Maybe too if Ramage wouldn’t ramble so much we could all get a little more of his book. He starts to make sense with an example, but then when he continues to go on, and on, and on, and on (you get the idea), it begins to get a little repetitive and a little more confusing. The last chapter we read on rhetoric and persuasion started making sense, but then when he started talking about a continuum and where literature and everything belongs, it began to get a little overwhelming. I think I have to reread that part and see if anything comes out of that chapter. Right now, it all seems a blur.

Nevertheless, headaches and rambling aside, I have been getting a little out of the book. The chapter on Identity really made me think about where I belong in this world, and what my identity is. Being in college it is much different than when I was in high school, and knowing that I will soon graduate and find a career is a little scary to say the least. I don’t want to be caught up in typical stereotypes yet I don’t know what I truly want to do yet, and that is scary in itself. Maybe reading Ramage a little more won’t hurt me, and I guess I can take some Advil and sit down and try to understand. If that doesn’t work, I have two fireplaces going that would love a little help.

So until class, enjoy the weekend everyone, and let’s try not to think about Ramage and rhetoric too much.

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