Tuesday, September 05, 2006

YIPPEEEE! My very first blog!

Hello fellow classmates! I also have heard students and other profs speak about Mahony and his class VERY positively! Definitely a good thing! Especially after being asked during our first class to answer, "What is rhetoric?" It's one of those words that most people know what it is in context, but to single it out and describe it specifically is a whole other ball game. At least for me it was.

That's about it for my first attempt at a blog ...



K. Mahoney said...

Well, you'll certainly get your fill of that "undefinable" term "rhetoric." Yup. You're also not alone...I'll be interested to see what you think of Ramage...and his lack of definition :-).

dkram718 said...

I totally agree that rhetoric is one of those things that you kinda know what it is in your head, but when you have to actually spell it out, you can't (or at least have a hard time trying!!)