Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The It's Not Really A Blog, Blog

Hey all,

I'm assuming we don't have to blog this week because we haven't be given any info on the paper that is due. Also, I read the other blogs for this week and there don't seem to be too many. I suppose if I was overly concerned on the subject I could have e-mailed our professor... Alright, just incase we do have to blog I will say this: Discussing Ramage, and with what I learned in our last class, I would say that it's easier to discuss his book than it is to read it. It's not too bad though, I've read worse. And I'll end on that positive note. Toodles.

1 comment:

HeatherH said...

The syllabus said we had to blog on what we wanted to write our first paper on, but it didn't give any guidelines for that paper, so I don't have anywhere to go from. So I have no idea what to write my paper on.