Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Consumers are like roaches, you spray them but they eventually become immune.”

Something along the lines of this was stated in “The Persuaders” and I found it interesting. We’re being lured into the material world to purchase and purchase and when the current brainwashing tactics in practice lose their affects, new ones are created.
They labeled the luring tactic as breaking through the clutter, and that’s what a lot of the material world now is; clutter. It’s hard to know what a product really does for you, or what a company really stands for anymore because in today’s competitive market it’s hard to win consumer loyalty through truthful advertisement. People care about flashy products, names brands, and appearance.

The airline song employed similar tactics to gain costumers. Song is (or was, I don’t know if it still exists) an airline that was marketed as a low-cost airline that offered different entertainment options and organic food. The airline was geared towards female costumers. Some song commercials that appeared in “The Persuaders” seemed irrelevant when trying to make a connection between airplane travel and the commercials message. Song proclaimed that “it’s not just an airline, it’s a culture.” One man commented “a culture where you’re forced to act one way?”

It would be nice to eliminate all the clutter and find just what we need, but advertisers will always use rhetorical approaches to gain consumers.

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