Thursday, February 21, 2008

no wonder i need glasses...

my eyes and brain are being assaulted day after day; it's no wonder that i now need glasses. too bad the mega advertising of mega companies won't pay for my mega insurance bill :)

i could say i don't feel like i am very persuaded most of the time by advertising but someone will probably tell me i am naieve or a liar. i think much of advertising is memorable (at least for me) but i don't feel the burning desire to go out and buy whatever is assaulting my eyeballs.

i did appreciate the movie however. the research that went into formulating an advertising campaign especially interested me, since it allowed us to see how people think and react to things, especially social cues. it provides a new angle on how public opinion can be molded and sculpted and refined without us even knowing it is happening.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I don't think you're naive because generally I feel like I'm the same way. But since that movie it never occured to me how surrounded we are by it. It is difficult to say if we even notice if we are being persuaded.

i feel scholarly after writing that.