Sunday, March 05, 2006

reaction to skittles

I just finished reading Skittle's blog entry, and I am highly impressed with his concise description of apologies. I think he nailed it when he created the three groups. Apologies can pretty much fit into one of the three categories that he so cleverly named.
I find it interesting that for one word: apology: we can have so many categories and meanings behind it. I think that is why I am enjoying this book so much, because it is exploring the manipulations of language and word choice. I find Lakeoff to make valid, interesting points that are really allowing me to step back and truly examine people and their word choice.
I work as a DR in Johnson Hall and so I interact with people everyday. This past weekend, I found it interesting to see how people used the word sorry. By using Skittles' three categories, I’ve decided that people are just too impatient to make true apologies. Band-aid apologies are quick and easy and allow people the convenience of avoiding conflicts. Numerous times, I heard "sorry" mumbled without people making eye contact or even slowing down to make sure the offended heard the apology. As Skittles pointed out, people rarely make REAL apologies.
Moving on, I also found it interesting how he pointed out the addition of words and the distinction that creates. Honors classes, premium gas, etc. does not necessarily mean the class or gas is inferior, it just provides a distinction from the norm. I think that the term "woman doctor" may not necessarily mean inferiority as it does something that was not common. The term has been around for quite some time and I believe that as more time passes, the phrase will die out altogether.
I also just finished the 3rd chapter and very briefly wanted to comment on the hill/Thomas trials. I think that in the '90s, while people were trying to pass off acceptance as the "norm," it is a shame that Hill had to experience not only sexual abuse from her boss but also verbal abuse from members within her race. To think that society would have wanted someone to keep quiet about sexual abuse so as to aid in the advancement of a colored person is down right sad. Also, the double standards that were placed on Hill were ridiculous -- although I feel that many of those double standards still exist today. I am sure we will elaborate on chapter 3 in class, so that’s enough for now. Have a great weekend everyone. And remember - spring break is less than 7 days away. woot!

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