Thursday, March 02, 2006

In response to...

I loved nix_bresser's blog "Remember When Books Used to Say Something" and have been having quite similar reactions. Like I said in my blog for chapter 2 (the one with 43 pages), I was distracted nearly the entire time reading due to the fact that it was 43 pages of nothing. Ever since reading Ramage, with his 30-35 page chapters about examples and reiterated statements, and then the last chapter almost completely about Bush's State of the Union Address, I have become extremely wary, almost afraid, to read and above all sit through, another work that is longer than that of Ramage's. Ridiculous? It took me 3 days to finish chapter 2, with extended breaks during each day to busy myself with other tasks not related at all to torturous elaborations and common-sense (or am I just comparing what I think is common-sense to what I assume everyone else thinks common-sense is? Ahh.) observations. It simply makes every inch of my body cringe when looking at the syllabus and seeing that another 37+ pages of Lakoff are due for both Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. It literally makes my stomach flop. I find pride in myself that I am able to have the perseverance to force myself to read her words. Why does this book exist? Who allowed her to publish it? Great questions nix_bresser! (I'm not sure who you are or I would call you by your first name).
Anyways, I am done responding. My stomach is aching for food, I have a headache and both pangs will only be intensified if I continue to keep responding to this Lakoff woman's book.
Good day.

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