Thursday, March 30, 2006

I had pogs as a kid, no rational needed & i spent an inordinet amount of time over my friends house playing GoldenEye on his Nintendo 64 multiplayer action killing each other. And on my front lawn at home we have what my friend steve affectionatly calls a '911 pole.'

Of the most interesting points in this book (besides the cartoons which excite me to no end) is the seemingly more informal tone the author has taken to colour his pages. While Ramage had acntidotes about p-dog, Lakoff was a little dryer more direct, & now we are back to a speed-readable voice that seems to me far less quotable & more remeber that part when...

The language used that stuck out to me was the consistant refrences to film. We start with Disney, then get into the specifics:
Star Wars
Indiana Jones
Apocalypse Now
Tomorrow Never Dies
Die Another Day
The World is not Enough
The Poseidon Adventure
The Towering Inferno
The Ugly American
Independence Day
Dr. Strangelove

The author is speaking to me through these films, using the emotional connections to them to prove points quite effectivly in my case. By using these contemporary blockbusteresque films you get a pretty good blanket coverage of the ideas becuase chances are most people have seen the movies., and I really wasn't thinking of them as foreplay, conditioning, for consumtion of media which it seems is what they have softened me up for a spoonful of Bill O'Rileys BS.

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