Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Luntz Response

I agree with Courtney. When I was reading through the essay I thought to myself, "Wait, people don't do this already?" I never understood the importance of using really big words, particularly in political speeches. When Luntz claimed that his main focus was on the "small town, middle class America", it made absolute sense. The majority of this country's population is the middle class and to communicate effectively, language that makes sense to that class should be used if anyone is going to get anything done.

Luntz's rules made absolute sense to me and once again, I questioned why we even needed him to tell us this. Using small words, short sentences, and consistency have always bee extremely important in getting messages across in my opinion. What caught my interest the most was the novelty rule. As much as I knew this already it was fascinating to hear a real-life example with the trial case of Christian Brando. When Luntz mentioned that although we as humans appreciate the reliability of many things we also have a innate desire to try different things so we do not become bored or easily satisfied with our lives.

And that's all I have. I want sleep.

Good night all.

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