Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Some comments

Maybe I'm reading this wrong, but it doesn't look like anyone has "blogged," no the reading yet. So I guess I'll start.I just finished reading the articles from “rebecca’s pocket,” and “Ground Rules for Polemicists: The Case of Lynne Cheney’s Truths,” wow… that’s a long title. Anyways, these articles brought up some interesting ideas; however, I thought they were kind of unrealistic. I mean it would be amazing if we could actually follow these guidelines before publishing information, but I can not see that happening. For instance, “Do unto your own as you do unto others. Apply the same standards to yourself and your allies that you do to your opponents…” = the golden rule. In an ideal circumstance people would follow this rule, but when we have elections to win, votes to gain, who is really going to stop and say “Well I wouldn’t want him to point out my downfalls, so I’m not going to point out his.” Maybe I just have a pessimistic view of humanity, but for some reason I can’t see anyone truly fulfilling these guidelines. I guess that what’s makes them only “guidelines,” a high standard that we only WISH everyone would abide by.

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