Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Ground Rules for Polemicists

I would like to say that I thoroughly enjoyed this piece. Do I think it could ever be possible in this day and age to see two people with different views have an actual debate without throwing insults and berating the opposition? Why not? Anything's possible. Or better yet, if my country has belittled itself into this act of politics, why can't I hope for better days? I'm not a fan of politics for the simple reason that I don't trust any public figure anymore because there's always that AGENDA. Sure, I could agree with what you have to say, but are you only saying it to get my vote?
But that doesn't mean I excuse myself from politics altogether, like I've heard so many do, because politics is in everything- I'd simply be taking my thoughts out of the ring. Not that I'll most likely ever change anything, but I'd like the chance to know, as much as possible, what's going on in this world. Whether it be by reading newspapers, or online blogs, or gasp! even TV, I reserve the right to then make my own judgements as I believe everyone should do.
This list of ground rules that Lazere goes through may not change anyone's belief in how they debate, but what if it does? What would happen if we just took the ethics out of journalism because no one thought they had to listen?
I understand the goal in politics is getting elected and any means necessary is considered acceptable. But shouldn't the real goal be to make this country better? I'm as much as citizen of this country as anyone, and I find myself frustrated that the fate of our country in its whole is lost to most. And when I watch debates, or even a debate between coworkers who have different views, the same thing ensues- attacking. What happened to listening to one another in the slight chance that we might learn something? We are here for the same reason. If we all started listening to eachother, maybe the politicians would stop using tricky campaign maneuvers and start getting down to work.

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