Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Persuaders Response

When I found out we were going to watch a movie on advertising and persuasion, I wasn't really quite sure what to expect. Don't we really know the basics anyway? But right as the movie began, within the first few minutes, I realized how much our lives are driven by advertising. My MySpace page has an add for a cellular phone company, I pass at least a dozen billboards on my way to class in a mere 2o minutes, and everywhere I look around my room I see labels on many things displaying a bright and vibrant name. One never really realizes how much advertising surrounds us because I think we have become immune to it. We are so used to seeing advertisements, billboards, and signs for one thing or another. There is really no way to escape it anymore, especially in America.

One other thing that definitely struck a chord with me was the use of the term "cults" in reference to consumers. But as the movie went on and was discussing "Song" and their recruitment of new employees, I saw that the employees seemed to be a part of this cult as well. At "Songapalooza", the new employees were extremely hyped and excited about working for Song (almost to the point of annoyance). "We ARE Song." and "We've always had Song inside of us." were some of the phrases used by these employees. I half was expecting them to vacation in Jonestown and drink some grape Kool-Aid.....

Not that the whole movie annoyed me, this is not my point. I was very interested and intrigued by the entire film. But "Songapalooza" really stuck in my head.

'Til Tomorrow.....

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