Tuesday, February 20, 2007


So, when we first had to sit down at watch this movie I really didn't think much of it. In the back of my mind, of course I know what is going on with advertisers and their schemes to suck us into spending all of our hard earned money. However, when I am buying a new pair of shoes that I definitely don't need just because they are "in" right now, I try not to admit to myself that I have become a victim of the plots and schemes they create.
It's a little scary to watch that movie and see an "insider's view" of what it takes to create a campaign for a product. So much time and effort will go into a three minute commercial that it almost doesn't seem worth it. (Obviously, it IS worth it because these companies are still in business..) Personally, I will always use Tide laundry detergent because that's what my mom always used and I don't know anything else. I hate plain cheerios, so having a cute little baby and grandma will do absolutely nothing for me because I can't stand the taste of them. The only thing a commercial like that will make me do is say "awww, look at that baby." I'm pretty sure that's not what theyre going for.
And as far as the SING airline is concerned, I would NEVER ride on a new airline because of technical difficulties and the like, especially nowadays. It doesn't matter how amazing your commercial is, I'm going to fly on the airline my dad told me to fly on, because I trust him more than some airline dude. And for the record-I've never even HEARD of Sing airlines! psh.
I feel pretty stupid right now, actually, putting it out there that I hate they're way of thinking and saying I think it's unnecessary. Companies think it is necessary because "if you don't advertise at all, you'll go out of business." Which I agree with, however for the most part, everyone has made up their minds and there isn't really much you can do to change that. It's like all those political commercials the day before the election...pretty much everyone has made up their mind already and one measly commercial is not going to sway their vote. *sigh*

1 comment:

Minimum Wrage said...

Actually, the point of the cheerio commercial IS to make you say, "Aww." You don't like cherrios, but you know what they are and what they taste like. So does more or less everyone else. Cheerios doesn't need to educate the public, it needs to make them feel good about their product. It needs the public to say "aww," because they're competing against sugary cereals which make parents say "eww."