Tuesday, November 07, 2006

US versus THEM

War corresepondent Robin Lakoff clearly depicts her take on the age-old, ongoing battle of The Language War.

The battle?

US versus THEM

US= Republicans/Conservatives = Those who have created and controlled the
meaning of language in our society in order to
uplift their group while subordinating others.
This group is fighting changes in language
which will give a voice to the minority groups
not before represented in our language.

THEM = Everyone else = Those with no previous say in making meaning of
language, specifically females and non-whites. This
group being suppressed by language
created by "US" also includes those in the majority
group fighting alongside them for a voice.

Many of US are clueless. They are like the alcoholic who grew up with alcoholic parents. Once the problem is pointed out:

1. Alcoholic gets help


2. Alcoholic suffers and dies of cyrrhosis of the liver .

The subordinating language US uses is like alcohol in the alcoholic family. They point out the problem and ...

1. US can own the problem and join THEM in the battle for a voice in our

2. US can continue to fight against THEM for control of language meaning.

(MAYBE .... someone should explain exnomination to US ... )

This makes obvious the definite separation in our societal language between



BUT ... all is not lost.
Language is constantly evolving. Old discriminatory attitudes fall to the wayside slooowwwly but SURELY. It seems as if the battle against US is strengthening as more of US learn and understand the concept of
RACISM and SEXISM are wrong no matter who practices it. Unfortunately, so many aspects of our language and how we speak to each other support it. I think it's awesome that Lakoff has pointed out so poignantly that our language has been created by and has remained an enabler for racist and sexist people to subtly maintain control over non-white humans and females. Without pointing fingers at members of a group, Lakoff should use her power of eloquent writing to help win this battle in the

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