Saturday, October 22, 2005

Trust us, yeah right!

Isn’t it amazing that everyone in some point in their lives will ask for an expert opinion? How are these experts manipulating us into believing they are experts? According to Rampton and Strauber there are two different types of experts, the mad-men “spin-doctors” that linger behind the scenes and the selected and cultivated readily prepared for an audience. The persuaders can reach groups in the large public by contracting leaders and/or experts that mold public opinion. This third party technique can prove worthy and valuable if applied properly.
Personally, my attention was focused on the statement that forbids the federal government by law from spending money on public relations. Excuse me? So the heading for PR is now Public affairs and the attributes stay the same, how convenient. Who said there can never be enough loop holes? And I bet you can find an expert to justify and concur. So who do we trust?

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