Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I am totally at a lost for what I want to do this paper on. I mean I really dont think that I can add anything new to this discussion, based on the readings because everything was pretty much self explanitory.... words effect how we think, act, vote and make purchases.

Maybe I can use luntz's word that work and Lakoff's book to discuss relationships between familes , friends, couples or ourselves, and how they may be based on these principles. I mean if words can effect the way we think of an issue, Im sure , no I know it effects how we feel on the inside about ourselves and others.

On another note I have always been an celebrity / fashion/ music junky so I am thinking on doing my paper around one of those topics and the results that they have on our society. How we dress, act and respond to issues that happen in our society.

This paper will not discuss how hip hop or rock music are the cause for teen violence but rather the role they play in how we as a society judge ourselves or how our society and culture have
changed overtime. Focusing primarily on language and advertising and the messeages that are conveyed through the media, through television programs, youtube and other mediems, and if there is a connection between them.

This will probably be based off of readings from Lipman and Bernays since they talked about public relations strategy's and how to persuade the public.

To me these topics are still very broad...and Im not very confident that they will make a great paper...so ill play aound with them and see where it takes me.

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