Monday, March 26, 2007

First PDog, now cats . . . anyone else seeing a trend here?

Animal examples aside, I was most interested in the section about apologies in politics. When I read Lakoff’s apology list, I was taken aback a little.

South Africa: “Hey, sorry about that whole apartheid thing . . . my bad”

I couldn't help but think of all the time's I've used the phrase "sorry doesn't cut it" in my life. I've said it to my little sister after she's created "make-up soup" in the bathroom sink. I've said it to boyfriends (for too many reasons to even attempt counting).

Unless our president has made make-up soup or stayed out too late without calling, I once again say that "sorry doesn't cut it". What if President Bush, when answering for the massive death tolls in the Middle East, simply responded with "oops"? Maybe this is just a positive outlet for language manipulation. I am a consumer demanding all apologies from politicians, spokesman, and officials to sound heart-felt . . . even if it is written by someone's hired advisor. Go ahead, oh mighty politician, bribe me with fancy words and elegant clauses . . . and try not to choke on a pretzel while you're doing so.

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