Monday, April 17, 2006

procrastination: a user's guide

The internet is the ultimate tool of procrastination. Besides utilizing its powers for instant messaging while writing papers, one can completely blow all their time facebooking or blogging.


Doing almost anything besides typing that paper seems better in the moment & you almost feel slightly less guilty because you are already at the computer & thus you technically could be doing work. Out of personal experience my blogging time increases exponentially when I have other work on the table as if I somehow have something more poignant to say or just simply warming up for a paper.


Since I still retained some of the conversation from the Ramage days, the readymade identity keeps bursting into my mind like a pop up advertisement for car insurance, especially in regards to framing oneself in the blogsphere.
In examining & their profiling system of personal information broken down the frames for one sect of the blogoshpere are created. Here are the nifty categories of importance that has provided to tell the blogging community who you are:
Identity: Username, Email address, Display Name, First & Last Name

A space for Photograph & Audio clip is provided
General: Gender, Birthday, Homepage URL, Wishlist URL, & IM Username
Location: City/Town, Region/State, & Country/Territory
Work: Industry& Occupation
Extended Info: Interests, About Me, Favorite Movies, Favorite Music, Favorite Books, & Random Question

The essential feature that allows the creation of niche communities is the hyperlinking of the Industry, Location, Interests, Favorite Movies, Favorite Music & Favorite Books sections.

From this hyperlinking arises the waves to surf on boards of procrastination through the network of potential blogging buddies & niche communities.

So for Kutztown 40 persons from 15 year old Avery Oswald to Stephanie the Great appear.

But these are just people in the same area as me. They don't necesarily share the same interests. I can narrow frames within bloggers frames diving further into niche groupings.

For instance Railroading yeilds a dazzeling 18 people while
Battlestar Galactica yeilds 40 persons.
also Hottubs has 16 interested persons and even Cardigan Sweaters has 11 intrested parties.

It is almost a thing of magic not to have anyone catagorized with you.

This procrastinative surfing is ever enhanced becuase, as stated in Emily's Public Writing Paper, facebook & blogger are like a hybrid blog yearbook. The less reading you have to do the easier it is to click away & shut off your mind going from pretty picture to happy intrest so on & so forth.

As I work now in the SUB computor lab all the computors are filled & I can see at least 5 people facebooking while others wait for a computor.

It is not to say that there aren't academic blogs or blogs that discuss news in specific fields.

The filling of bloggers framed identity questions creates communities in niche containers that can group themselves with the ever weirder more quarky more hip & cool peoples.

Does a system of attempting to outdo other peoples in intrest listings occur?

How ecclectic, marginal, wierd, & unknown can it get?

It all really depends on how much time the procrastinator will give to filling out profiles, writing new entries & searching the networks, i.e. how long they will procrastinate through their paper.

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