Monday, April 03, 2006

Blog Response- wow im creative

I really am torn when reading this chapter on the "Real-Time War." There are parts that make PERFECT sense but I still am not a big fan of this information that Rutherford is so graciously providing for us. I am not going to mask my patriotism and love for my country. There is no need to go further into how I feel because I think I covered it in class already (hopefully no one hates me)

I respected and valued the live coverage on the war in Iraq. The only problem I think that has come from the 24/7 coverage for how long was that people because desensitized towards this war. At first, these images were very humbling and (i cant think of the word) but grounding (??) and forced people to face the fact of what was going on in another places other than our own safe homes.

The information (infotainment) presented to us was a little frightening knowing that it could be manipulated by the news media, but the images are what they are. Media does how a huge power to influence the public opinion when we are relying on them for the educating us with the 'truth.' (The public's opinion on whether we should have gone to war and should be there now is one HUGE example on how the media can play with naive people. Postman seemed to have the same views.) However, it is a good thing, because if there was no media coverage of the war, or any issue, then most people probably wouldnt take the time to learn about it on their own. I did find it intersting however that the gov't did not like the media's quick coverage because they could not control it. The media, according to Rutherford, had been planning this months ahead of the actual war. I thot this however was one of the most interesting pieces of information given to me.

I got goosebumps when i had read the following quote, "Amidst all the bomb bursts, the flashes of white and red and orange, he observed that 'Baghdad,' the regime not the city, now 'knows what the Pentagon means by shock and awe."

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