Wednesday, April 18, 2007

War in Iraq, Media Coverage, Celebrity Gossip, etc.

I'm all over the place with this paper. I want to do it on how there is more coverage on Celebrity bull than there is on the War in Iraq. I was thinking of how whats on the news jumps from one thing to the next. Always looking for the next big thing. The war was huge for a while and was on every tv station. The next thing I knew I was hearing about a marine's wife who killed her husband for the insurance money and went and got plastic surgery. Following that was Anna Nicole and her death, everyone wanted to know how she died. Once that got old, Danny-Lynne came in and now everyone wanted to know who the kid's daddy was. Okay that kept things going for a while. But wait the war came back because Bush won't give a specific time to pull them out of Iraq. Why? I'm going to be a good girl and not say but that was pretty big. And now we have the Virgina Tech incident. That was horrible and it made national news and all that stuff. (Not trying to be insensitive, I'm very sorry about everything, but kinda trying to make to make a point). But to bring it to another step, is it the people's fault everything switches like that. How about the fact that VT happened Monday and everyone here at KU were saddened. Today, we had people on our campus causing riots. Is this the next big thing. Today all i heard people talk about was those individuals causing trouble on campus. There was no talk of VT and there was definately no talk of the war. Danny-Lynne who? And this is whats going through my mind.

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