Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Ok, as im scrolling down through all the posts, i hoenstly cannot pick just one to respond to. Ive notinced that a lot of other people feel the way i do about Lakoff, and I want to use them to backup how I FEEL about this book. There seems to be an agreement that Lakoff is beating ridiculously pointless statements to death. First i came across Ghost Mick's blog. RIGHT ON!! i too am so bored and am trying to stretch to find some kind of deeper meaning in these chapters. I mean some points are kind of interesting to point out, but to go on and on page after page about these issues is just maddening.

Next I came across Nix_Bresser. He seemed to be getting the same vibes that I was...i can honestly say i laughed out loud in the quiet library when reading his section on 'oh shit..look what i did!" Lakoff's points seem random and there isnt a clear connection between a lot of them.

Next I move on to the post Numero Dos by Casey....what an awesome piece...oh wait...thats ME! :P I will give Lakoff this...altho his points are kind of pointLESS...he does have a lot of them....hey its as close to a compliment as I can get.

I noticed Christina mentions that she did not realize that Lakoff was a women until coming to class...well christina I was in the same boat as you...I believed that Lakoff was a man...and hontesly im even a little bit more annoyed knowing that this is a womans work. I guess that could sound horrible, but it was something that i noticed when I realized that it was robin lakoff...a woman, not a man.

overall i enjoy reading everyones post...that is why I cannot choose one to respond to :)

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