Wednesday, January 30, 2008

how many circles of hell do i have to go through again?

hi all.

as i said in class, i am thinking of loosely modeling my paper off of dante aligheri's the inferno. i'm not sure if i will go through all 9 circles, seeing as a lot of punishment is dealt out for many different kinds of sinners in those circles (even though the final one is reserved for the unholy ramage himself). i would be taking dante's place in the narrative, but i'm not sure who i want to have as my guide yet. i want ramage in the 9th circle, if i do this... he definitely belongs in the deepest layer of hell for having written this nonsense. it kind of feels like a power trip sometimes -- he knows what he's talking about, but he won't tell the rest of us. he likes for us to be confused so we have to keep reading to find out what the hell he's talking about. in which case, he should be punished for being arrogant. ugh.

i also had some other ideas that are not nearly as complicated or belief-inducing. i mentioned a story i had written in highschool that involved a market where the shops were all metaphors for writing and life. i may do something like that, where each lesson is a shop and each thing i buy is a piece of the puzzle that ramage is trying (albeit poorly) to explain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey erin, thanks for the support! : )

as for your paper ideas, i think they both sound good but i like the inferno one a lot. i think it gives you a lot of room to play without constantly having to stress how much you dislike ramage. (since you are are touring hell which is pretty bad itself).

whichever one, im sure they'll both work out well.

see ya in class!