Tuesday, November 13, 2007


So I began brainstorming for the final paper topic last week, and I started by thinking about what I've become interested in throughout the readings for the past couple of weeks. The first thing that popped into my head was to begin with a topic that brought out a lot of strong opinions, emotions, and new ideas, and run with it. That is when an especially sarcastic title came about (yes, a title first)... "A guide on how to master the art of selling things that do not matter"
After the title came the rush of ideas, NOT definite quite yet. I basically want to discuss the art that our market has created over the years in selling everything imaginable. I would like to do extensive research as to what techniques people use to sell certain products and how they get so deeply in the minds of consumers. I would really like to find out what people really are thinking when they feel a need to buy these items being advertised. Is it something that they feel unable to control? I'd like to discuss how this art of advertising and constant marketing has and will foreer manipulate our identities; from the time we are born till the end of our lives- it'll always be around. The market definitly has some control over class differences aswell and it will constantly be affected. I'm not completely sure if this is the idea I'm going to use, but tell me what you think!

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