Tuesday, November 13, 2007


So I began brainstorming for the final paper topic last week, and I started by thinking about what I've become interested in throughout the readings for the past couple of weeks. The first thing that popped into my head was to begin with a topic that brought out a lot of strong opinions, emotions, and new ideas, and run with it. That is when an especially sarcastic title came about (yes, a title first)... "A guide on how to master the art of selling things that do not matter"
After the title came the rush of ideas, NOT definite quite yet. I basically want to discuss the art that our market has created over the years in selling everything imaginable. I would like to do extensive research as to what techniques people use to sell certain products and how they get so deeply in the minds of consumers. I would really like to find out what people really are thinking when they feel a need to buy these items being advertised. Is it something that they feel unable to control? I'd like to discuss how this art of advertising and constant marketing has and will foreer manipulate our identities; from the time we are born till the end of our lives- it'll always be around. The market definitly has some control over class differences aswell and it will constantly be affected. I'm not completely sure if this is the idea I'm going to use, but tell me what you think!

Research paper topic

I'm pretty sure that I am going to use the Harry Potter series as the basis for my research paper. The series is HUGE in terms of popularity among both kids and adults, but it has also sparked a large amount of controversy in the realms of religion and morality.

Extremist Christian groups frequently claim that the novel are an avenue for spreading the values of witchcraft and satanism, evidenced by the obvious surface of the plot, but also within the tales, characters, and words used themselves (Hermes, Slytherin, etc. all being real demon names). Meanwhile, there is a huge push from the other spectrum of Christianity that sees the series as a retelling of the Biblical stories and moral ideals, like the obvious struggle between good and evil, and the focus on love being the saviour of all.

But how does this relate to class? Well, we've been dealing a lot with the public opinion and the methods used to sway public opinion. This paper will not be just an examination of the controversy, but I am also going to look at the different ways in which both sides of the debate frame their arguements and attempt to align public opinions with their own.

I am planning to use mostly internet sources for this paper, because of the vast majority's inclination to turn to the web for information, therefore, this is the stuff that will be the most useful in terms of how these groups are trying to persuade the public. So far it has been working out, I have found a couple of really great sites which have some articles that have been really useful.


Final Paper Ideas

For the final paper I am a little lost as to what I want to write about. Its amazing how we ask for freedom on paper topics and then when we are given the opportunity to "let loose" I am so lost and need guidance and strict guidelines..lol ( are we able to use lol? this blog is REAl informal)oh boy...well I have two very general ideas.
First I have been kicking around the idea of democracy. Post Ramage, we have read many papers dealing with public discourse and language. We learned about the tactics and strategies used. After reading all the assignments I am left wondering... Do we still have a democracy? If there are people who know how to manipulate and generate emotions in us, are we still in control of ourselves? I don't know. I don't believe Luntz, Lakoff, Bernays,etc. are trying to manipulate thought control but I do find it frightening that they have the ability to persuade our thoughts. Maybe I could look at a few rhetoricians that we have discussed and examine their roll in a democracy.
Secondly, and this idea is far-fetched, I am really interested in exploring language and public discourse within abusive relationships. It seems language and the tone of which the partner uses is very effective in either making the other partner feel degraded or that the abuse is okay. Its odd, I know, but I think I'm on to something. Abusive relationships definitely incorporate thought control, language and public discourse. I am going to print out stuff about each of my topics and maybe everyone can help me further ideas in class.
I am totally at a lost for what I want to do this paper on. I mean I really dont think that I can add anything new to this discussion, based on the readings because everything was pretty much self explanitory.... words effect how we think, act, vote and make purchases.

Maybe I can use luntz's word that work and Lakoff's book to discuss relationships between familes , friends, couples or ourselves, and how they may be based on these principles. I mean if words can effect the way we think of an issue, Im sure , no I know it effects how we feel on the inside about ourselves and others.

On another note I have always been an celebrity / fashion/ music junky so I am thinking on doing my paper around one of those topics and the results that they have on our society. How we dress, act and respond to issues that happen in our society.

This paper will not discuss how hip hop or rock music are the cause for teen violence but rather the role they play in how we as a society judge ourselves or how our society and culture have
changed overtime. Focusing primarily on language and advertising and the messeages that are conveyed through the media, through television programs, youtube and other mediems, and if there is a connection between them.

This will probably be based off of readings from Lipman and Bernays since they talked about public relations strategy's and how to persuade the public.

To me these topics are still very broad...and Im not very confident that they will make a great paper...so ill play aound with them and see where it takes me.

Paper Ideas

I have a few ideas for this paper that I'm considering. I'm really excited about the freedom we have with this paper. Is it weird I'm actually looking forward to writing it? I'm probably going to do it in narrative form. I have 2 or 3 ideas in my head right now.
I'm mainly concerned with the workings of the major media corporations and how this ultimately affects society. I was either going to look at propaganda and coercion within the larger media companies and how it impacts society - or how the media is possibly dumbing down society or molding our identities to fit their needs.
I was also interested in the examples Luntz put throughout his Words that Work piece about Robert Shapiro's use of words to make the judges feel uncomfortable and allow O.J. Simpson to appear innocent despite the incriminating evidence against him. I'd like to explore this a bit more in order to understand the integrity of our legal system.

it's common sense

I’ve thought a little about the conversation I want to join for my final paper, and though still very sketchy, I’m thinking about using this idea of “common sense”. It has been discussed by most of our authors, Luntz in particular wrote a lot about the norms of which a society follows. I want to take this conversation, look at how a belief achieves the title of “common sense”. I would also like to look into tradition as the ways one of these ideas being passed along through the generations. Some of the most influential beliefs have been carried generations through oral tradition, I might examine our countries holidays and write about the generalities between them to possibly find some bit of underlining common sense.

Monday, November 12, 2007


My idea for the final project is still in the works, but well on it's way. I actually got the idea from the response paper. I was to compare rhetoric and public discourse. I will use the first page of the paper as a solid discription of rhetoric.. like it is the far side of a spectrum. The last page will end up to be a solid discription of public discourse, the other side of the spectrum. As I go further into the middle of the paper the two sides will blend and end in the middle with a complete comparison, or similarities of the two.

Like I said, it's still in the works. Any feedback would be much appreciated!

Song and Spade

Ok so as I said in class, I plan on doing my project on the participation of the Kate Spade Corporation in the Song Airlines advertising strategy. I'm not exactly sure what I want to do yet, but I'm hoping it will be something a little more exciting than just a research paper. Maybe something a little more colorful....hmmmm....I don't know yet.

Song and Spade

Ok, So as I said in class on Tuesday, I plan on doing my project on the participation of Kate Spade Corporation in the Song Airline advertising. I hope to make it a bit more interesting than a research paper, but I'm not sure how yet. I was thinking maybe some sort of a business plan or something. Something colorful....hmmm....I don't know yet.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Autism Speaks Donation Info

I am participating in Walk Now for Autism to help find a cure for autism. Autism is the second most common developmental disorder in the United States affecting one in every 150 children born today. Despite some promising discoveries, the cause of autism is unknown and a cure does not exist. Research is crucial. Every 20 minutes another child is diagnosed with autism. Not only must we find ways to improve the quality of life for children and adults with autism, but we also must find a cure, and soon.
Walk Now for Autism is our chance to make a difference in the fight against autism by raising money for autism research and heightening public awareness. Please join me in my fight as I raise $200.00 to help fund essential research. I will be walking on April 12, 2008 and would like you to support those affected by autism. You can donate to Walk Now for Autism and join my team online through my webpage at www.walknowforautism.org. Donations can also be mailed to Autism Speaks using the donation form located on my page or send me a check made out to Autism Speaks. My team name is Braden's Bunch; please note this on your check and the donation form.
Please join me in my fight against autism. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of the more than 1 million Americans living with autism today.
Erin McGee
Donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. 501 (C)(3) NUMBER: 20-2329938
MATCHING GIFT PROGRAM Many companies provide their employees with matching gifts. Please consult your employer on its matching gift guidelines and attach matching gift forms accordingly.
Link to my donor page...

Paper topics

As soon as Mahoney said we could write about anything that interests us and in any style my boyfriend Luntz immediatly came to mind. I am going to write a narrative in the voice of a woman who is engaged to Frank Luntz. This way I can write in an style that interests me, cover the material I like and fulfill my hidden desires to date him.
I just can't get over how much time this man takes to pick out particular words and their precise ordering so that he effectively communicate with the public. This got me thinking that if he takes this much time to talk to the public how does he interact in his personal relationships?

That's about all I have so far, I'm going to research more of his work and articles about him by next class.