Monday, September 11, 2006

Ramage on a rhetorical rampage

Yo, Dudes and Dudettes. It would have been really cool to post earlier than the day before class but I couldn't quite recall my username--too much technology in my life. I'm a junior pro writing major. I am trying very diligently to break any procrastination habits. Not such a good start.
And, my title has nothing to do with the subject of my post. Just a heads up.
So, I read Kairos and the Rhetorical Situation first and I'll tell you what, I really thought it was going to be some ridiculously dense recall of the numerous rhetorical philosophers and, on top of that, a vocabulary nightmare. I was rather wrong. It was straight forward and very much a that's-kinda-common-sense reading. It's always nice to make concrete the things we take for granted.
The reading is similar to the PR class I have this semester; it was all that stuff we already know, but the author writes a book and labels everything. Hopefully I can make some money doing that sometime soon (I'm really broke). It was a good basis for exploring rhetoric and audience.
Ramage ... Honestly, I'm pretty sure he made some good points, but I think I need to reread that whole first section before I understand if there was any structure to what he said. I think there was. It was a bit heavier than I expected.

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